Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Excoecaria bicolor /hassk

Excoecaria bicolor /hassk is ornamental plant known as shrub, has leaves striped red and white, with lush leaves, making the plant is very efektive to serve as a cover crop

Reproduce plants Excoecaria bicolor

  • select plants that have been aged, healthy and fres
  • cut with scissors / cutter sharp
  • Prepare media for super-seeding of red soil
  • Plug cuttings on the medium super soil, and water flush
  • cover tightly with plastic lid
  • Wait 3 weeks
Excoecaria bicolor for garden plants has advantages, namely easy care, ease the treatment slower growth

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

The Rosy flowers of Ariza Brownea Benth

Ariza Brownea Benth flower
Picture: http://krpurwodadi.lipi.go.id
The rosy flower of Ariza Brownea Benth. is one kind of plant of the family Fabaceae (Legumes), sub-family Caesalpinioideae. With characteristic morphological medium-sized tree, 9-12 m, with a canopy shaped like an umbrella, with leafy branches are long, wide and hang that tend to hit the ground. Leaves alternate-paripinnate, with a length up to about 60 cm, dark green color, which consists of 6-12 pairs of oval-shaped leaves with sharp edges, young leaves air pink at first. Cauliflorous inflorescence, which appears on the trunk or main branches, seen hanging between dedauanan. Flowers are large, 12-18 cm diameter, very interesting color from orange to bright red with outstanding stamina. Unfortunately the flowers only lasting a few days before the wither.

This plant can be propagated by seeds and stem cuttings, often used as outdoor ornamental plants, start flowering from the age of 4 years. The wood is very hard and resistant to termite attacks, used mainly as a building material and craft. Parts of the plant can be utilized in a variety of traditional medicine, especially bark contains a powerful haemostatic.
is one kind of plant of the family Fabaceae (Legumes), sub-family Caesalpinioideae. With characteristic morphological medium-sized tree, 9-12 m, with a canopy shaped like an umbrella, with leafy branches are long, wide and hang that tend to hit the ground. Leaves alternate-paripinnate, with a length up to about 60 cm, dark green color, which consists of 6-12 pairs of leaves oblong-lanceolate shaped with sharp edges, young leaves air pink at first. Cauliflorous inflorescence, which appears on the trunk or main branches, seen hanging between dedauanan. Flowers are large, 12-18 cm diameter, very interesting color from orange to bright red with outstanding stamina. Unfortunately the flowers only lasting a few days before the wither. Do you interest with the rosy flowers of
Ariza Brownea Benth

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Rumput sintetis

rumput sintetis untuk putting greenRumput sintetis diproduksi oleh Produsen rumput sintetis untuk aplikasi olahraga, lanskap dan taman bermain. Produsen rumput sintetis berusaha memberikan jangkauan yang paling dinamis dan inovatif dari permukaan rumput sintetis, memenuhi standar kinerja tertinggi dan memproduksi solusi khusus

Ada bermacam macam jenis keperluan yang dapat buat dari material rumput sintetis ini, yaitu semua jenis keperluan olah raga, seperti golf keperluan untuk landscape

Kegunaan rumput sintetis

    1. Mini golf
    2. Soccer fields/ lapangan sepak bola
    3. Basketball/ softball
    4. Tennis
    Berbeda dengan rumput alami yang hidup, rumput sintetis tidak memerlukan perawatan seperti pemupukan, penyiraman rutin dan pemeliharaan dan pengendalian hama penyakit
    rumput sintetis juga menjadi alternatve bagi yang memiliki lahan sempit dan tidak mungkin untuk menanam rumput hidup

    Tukang taman

    Tukang taman, Mengerjakan pembuatan taman secara borongan dengan pengalaman dan keahlian yang dibawa oleh jiwa seni. Memadukan kreasi, material tanaman, mengarah kepada nuansa atau bahasa yang disenangi oleh jiwa manusia yang senantiasa haus akan suasana berbeda

    Jasa pembuatan taman,

    tukang taman, pemeliharaan taman
    Jasa pembuatan taman di sediakan oleh tukang taman dengan perhitungan borongan, dan dihitung dengan menggunakan dasar yang jelas, pembuatan taman sendiri sebenarnya  terbagi menjadi 2 yaitu

    1. Pembuatan taman baru, artinya taman tersebut adalah konstruksi,nuansa, dan lain sebagainya adalah baru, biasanya ini sebagai pertanda bahwa suatu properti sudah jadi apabila sudah ada tamannya
    2. Upgrade, atau pembaruan, yaitu membuat taman untuk memperbaiki dari taman yang ada sebelumnya karena sudah tidak model, atau bahkan sudah tidak layan disebut sebagai taman

    Jasa Pemeliharaan taman oleh tukang taman

    Jasa perawatan taman disediakan oleh tukang taman berupa keahlian berkaitan dengan tata cara perawatan taman agar tetap terlihat bagus, dalam hal ini ada 2 alasan kenapa diperlukan tukang taman
    • Karena taman sudah tidak model dengan suasana atau pemilihan tanaman yang sudah ketinggalan jaman
    • karean sudah tidak layak disebut sebagai taman
    Taman layak disebut sebagai taman apabila dirawat dengan baik, apapun jenis tanamannya, apapun kondisinya, tetapi bila tidak dirawat dengan baik maka akan terkontaminasi atau tercampur dengan tanaman tanaman liar yang apabila dilihat sangat membosankan

    Hal hal yang berpengaruh terhadap estimasi biaya jasa tukang taman

    • Jenis tanaman yang dirawat
    • Peralatan pendukung yang diperlukan oleh tukang taman untuk pemeliharaan taman
    • Luas taman yang akan dipelihara
    • Tingkat kesulitan tata cara perawatan taman dengan mengacu kepada fasilitas pemeliharaan tanaman di taman tersebut seperti instalasi penyiraman dll
    • Jumlah tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan
    • Pengelolaan sampah yang dihasilkan dari pekerjaan pemeliharaan taman

    Harga borongan tukang taman

    Hati hati terhadap harga borongan yang diberikan oknum yang mengaku aku sebagai tukang taman, hanya bebekal informasi di Internet, secara On-line, dengan pemaparan kata kata yang bagus dan cendrung merayu, trafic website dan penampilan menarik dan lagi pula harga murah

    Hal yang menjadi indikasi bahwa informasi berkaitan dengan iklan tukang taman itu benar atau tidak adalah:
    • Menginformasikan kontak person yang jelas
    • Alamat kantor, nursery atau pemasaran jelas
    • Alamat Telp.bukan selular / Fixed line
    • Ada alamat no. Fax
    • Alamat Email mengacu kepada domain, bukan ymail atau gmail
    • Tukang taman
    • Dapat memantau profil pribadinya minimal melalui Facebook.com
    Kalau kita sangat serius lebih baik berhati hati, taman yang dibuat  akan bagus dan bisa dinikmati bila dibuat oleh tukang taman yang berpengalaman.


    Panduan Pemupukan NPK

    Panduan pemupukan Npk mengacu kepada data PH tanah yang pengertiannya adalah ukuran asam basa tanah. Tingkat pH tanah Anda menentukan seberapa baik tanaman mampu mengambil nutrisi yang mereka butuhkan dari tanah. Karena tingkat pH tanah cenderung berubah dari waktu ke waktu, penting untuk menguji secara teratur.


    Nitrogen di dalam tanah mempengaruhi bagian tanaman di atas tanah, terutama hijau, bagian berdaun. Tingkat nitrogen yang benar menandakan tanaman sehat, kehijauan tanaman maupun rumput rumputan. Nitrogen tanah mudah hanyut oleh hujan. Untuk alasan ini, Anda harus menguji nitrogen Anda secara teratur.


    Fosfor berfungsi pembentukan akar yang kuat dan pengembangan sistem perakaran tanaman. Fosfor juga berkontribusi terhadap bunga lebih cepat dan produksi buah dengan membantu melindungi tanaman terhadap penyakit dan kondisi cuaca buruk.


    Benih pembentukan dan perkecambahan di bunga, buah-buahan dan sayuran bergantung pada kalium. Kadar kalium yang tepat dalam tanah Anda akan menghasilkan buah sayuran yang semakin baik.

    Panduan Pemupukan dengan pupuk N-P-K untuk tanaman rumput rumputan

    Pupuk NPK

    N - Nitrogen,

    Rumput memerlukan sejumlah besar ini untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan, warna dan kekuatan umum. Pemupukan menggunakan nitrogen tidak direfrensikan diberikan kepada tanaman pada saat musim panas, karena tidak akan dapat berfungsi sebagai pupuk, tetapi malah justru sebaliknya, dapat menjadi racun, karena bersifat panas

    P – Fosfor

    Merangsang pertumbuhan akar awal untuk memastikan bibit berkembang dengan baik. Rumput segar unggulan membutuhkan pupuk dengan kandungan fosfor yang tinggi. Juga, P diperlukan untuk pembelahan sel tanaman yang tepat, yang menghasilkan tanaman, rumput yang kuat sehat dan kokoh.

    K – Kalium

    Memperkuat struktur akar dan meningkatkan daya tahan penyakit, meningkatkan sifat tahan banting keseluruhan tanaman rumput.

    Panduan pemupukan dengan pupuk kimia penting untuk diketahui karena kalau penggunaannya tidak tepat akan menghancurkan atau bahkan mematikan

    Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

    10 Tanaman untuk penyegar udara dalam ruangan yang ngetren

    Membawa tanaman hidup di pot ke dalam ruangan itu adalah trik yang digunakan oleh desainer interior selama bertahun-tahun, tapi apakah Anda tahu bahwa ada 10 tanaman untuk penyegar dalam ruangan yang ngetren adalah tanaman berdaun juga bisa menjadi filter yang kuat, yang dapat memurnikan udara di sekitar kita.
    Bahkan, beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa tanaman tertentu dapat membersihkan ruang hingga 89% dari VOC berbahaya seperti formalin dan xilena.
    Jika Anda berpikir tentang harga dari beberapa sistem-sistem penyaringan udara mewah di luar sana, itu sedikit mengejutkan bahwa lebih dari kita tidak hanya membeli beberapa tanaman sebagai gantinya. Jika Anda atau siapa pun dalam keluarga Anda memiliki alergi, merokok atau hanya ingin bernapas lebih segar, udara bersih di rumah mereka, baca terus  7 tanaman indoor yang memurnikan udara di sekitar Anda serta polutan tertentu yang memiliki fungsi penetralisir yang berbe beda dari masing masing jenis tanaman     

    • Dendrobium dan Phaeleonopsis/ Anggrek bulan

    Anggrek bulanAnggrek dikenal sebagai tanaman yang rewel dan sulit untuk tumbuh . setelah kita perhatikan atas prilaku para pencinta bunga anggrek  malah sebaliknya, justru dengan banyak penyiraman dan penyinaran matahari mereka berfikir akan memberi perawatan yang baik, walaupun itu malah justru sebaliknya, yaitu dapat mematikan tanaman anggrek itu sendiri. Anggrek dapat berfungsi membersihkan udara dari xilena, polutan yang ditemukan di banyak lem dan cat sehingga mereka membuat susana yang mendukung kepada yang baru pindah rumah atau ruang baru direnovasi. Tidak seperti beberapa tanaman lain, anggrek juga bernafas dan mengeluarkan oksigen di malam hari - sehingga mereka bisa hidup besar di kamar tidur

    • Palem

    palem kuning
    Tanaman keluarga sawit yang juga dikenal sebagai Arecaceae atau Palmae, sangat populer dan sangat mudah untuk melihat
    Terdapat banyak jenis tanaman palem, diantaranya adalah palem sadeng, palem putri, palem jenggot, palem kanari dll, dan palem yang biasa digunakan sebagai material untuk indoor plant adalah Palem kuning, palem putri, palem wergu, palem Pheonix.
    Dikenal sebagai pembersih udara alami. Palem khusus menargetkan dan menghapus formaldehida, benzena dan karbon monoksida (yang sangat membantu jika seseorang dalam lingkungan perokok).

    • Spathiphyllum atau Peace Lily

    Peace lily, alias spathiphyllum merupakan tanaman yang ideal untuk dimiliki di rumah Anda jika Anda menyukai bunga, tetapi tidak ingin membeli karangan bunga yang mati setelah beberapa hari. Spathiphyllum tumbuh subur di tempat teduh di bawah suhu 27 derajat celius, tanaman yang dapat digunakan sebagai penghias dalam ruangan, tetapi juga dapat digunakan sebagai tanaman outdoor, di proyek taman tanaman ini adalah material tanaman semak yang penempatannya pada planter box, dapat berbunga dengan baik apabila penempatannya langsung terkena sinar matahari berfungsi menghilangkan racun berbahaya seperti aseton, amonia, benzena, etil asetat, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene metil, alkohol dan xilena.

    • Pakis

    Pakis dikenal tanaman yang tumbuh liar, sebenarnya tanaman menarik yang telah bertahan sejak zaman prasejarah, Mereka disukai untuk lembutannya, daun berbulu dan besar  yang membantu membersihkan udara dari polutan seperti toulene dan xilena, yang ditemukan di cat banyak, kuku poles dan lem

    walisongo atau schefflera
    • Walisongo atau Schefflera

    Walisongo atau Schefflera mudah dikenali karena mereka  mengkilap, tampak kokoh daun oval yang hampir terlihat nyata karena seperti disinari cahaya lilin  . Mereka benar-benar kuat dan tahan lama, menjaga daun bebas debu. Selain tampak hebat, mereka juga dikenal untuk menyerap racun jahat seperti benzena, formaldehida dan toluena, sangat baik di baik sebagai penetralisir udara pada area perokok

    •  Anthurium bunga

    Anthurium bunga merupakan tanaman indoor yang menarik dan exotis pada saat bunganya mekar, tetapi bukan hanya kecantikan tampilan tanaman ini saja, tanaman ini juga sangat berfungsi, daun gelapnya efektif berfungsi menyedot zat amonia, formaldehida, toluena dan xilena, sehingga  sangat bijak bila kita pasang di area tempat kerja di perkantoran terutama di sekitar mesin fotokopi, printer atau perekat.
    song of india
    • Song of India (Dracaena reflexa)
    Seperti namanya puitis, dracaena reflexa atau 'Song of India' mudah untuk mengidentifikasi karena hijau daun jeruk dan kekuning kuningan atau putih. Tanaman ini mudah tumbuh di kedua cahaya tinggi dan rendah dan menyerap formaldehida, toluena, xilena

    • Sirih gading

    Tanaman sirih gading, dikenal dengan nama Pothos di USA ata Amerika, ditandai dengan warna kuning gading yang berbentuk hati pada daunnya, dan sangat populer di Amerika Utara. Ini adalah tanaman kuat yang dapat bertahan hidup dalam cahaya rendah dan temperatur  dingin dan sangat bagus untuk kantor dan rumah karena efektif menyingkirkan karbon monoksida dan formaldehid pada udara

      andong atau massangeana
    • Andong atau Massangeana Cane

    Massangeana mungkin sulit untuk mengucapkan tapi mudah untuk mencintai.Tanaman yang dikenal dengan nama Andong ini sudah akrap sekali dengan masyarakat Indonesia, banyak digunakan sebagai tanaman pagar.
    Berasal dari Afrika, memiliki tampilan liar yang membuatnya ideal untuk dekorasi rumah/ kantor sebagai tanaman Indoor, dan juga menetrlisirzat formaldehid dari udara

    • Philodendrons

    tanaman hias Philodendrons mudah untuk merawat membutuhkan perhatian yang sangat sedikit. Pewarnaan yang unik mereka membuat tambah menarik perhatian, dan mereka dikenal penetralisri udara terhadap zat  xilena, racun yang ditemukan dalam banyak perekat dan kulit.

    Bersemangat untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana untuk membersihkan udara di dalam rumah/ kantor kita dengan tanaman? dengan 10 tanaman penyegar udara dalam ruangan menjadi indah dengan lebih nyaman karena terbantu menetralir pengaruh zat zat yang berbahaya. 

    Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

    Diligent flowering orchids

    Diligent flowering orchids need to pay attention to the most important and interesting part of the orchid is a flower, but unfortunately we often find that lazy orchid flower to flower. Is there something wrong?

    Caring for orchids tricky and required experience and discipline. To create a diligent flowering orchid is also necessary element of affection. One of the most important factors to be diligent flowering orchid is the selection of orchid seeds. Some traits of the orchid is blooming orchid lot, large flowering, brightly colored flowers and flowers durable.

    Several factors need to be taken to ensure that diligent flowering orchids:

    1. The house is protected as appropriate. Orchids should be placed in a home that intensity cahanya 50-70%, then the roof of the house should be protected shading net.
    2. Preparation of orchids. To be diligent orchids flowering plants should also be considered drafting, drafting shelves should be placed flat orchid with a height of 1 m, and do not put a tiered because it would interfere with air circulation.
    3. Humidity. To be diligent flowering orchids needed humidity between 60-80%. In order to maintain the humidity below the rack can be made with or manufactured home in fog protected by the installation of sprinkle.
    4. Growing media. The ideal planting medium for making diligent flowering orchids arranged two parts. 1/3 the bottom is filled with pieces of brick and 2/3 the rest use ferns.
    5. Construction pot. Pot is also greatly affected the flowering of orchids so diligent. The most used is the ideal pot pots made of clay and a lot of the hole.
    6. Watering. To be very diligent flowering orchids to consider the problem of water content of the medium. If hot weather is needed watering 2 times and if it does not have to pass the rainy weather watering. The very need to note is the water content media. The ideal watering time is at 07-09 am and 03-05 pm.
    7. Fertilization. The primary key diligent flowering orchid fertilizer that is the fertilizer to the content of high P nutrients. Fertilization can be given through spraying / watering can also use a slow release fertilizer sprinkled on orchid growing media.
    8. Giving or hormone ZPT. To make diligent flowering orchids sometimes required giving PGR or hormones. That can be used to stimulate flowering orchids are Gibberellins. Can also use coconut water with a concentration of 15% (150 ml coconut water is 1 liter spray solution)
    9. Pest and disease control. As with other plants orchids will not be spared from pests and diseases. Daily observations are the best way to prevent orchid pests and diseases. To make diligent orchid flowering orchid plants should be cleaned of dirt, weeds and rotting leaves. The use of insecticides when infestations, mold fungicide and bactericide if attacked when attacked by bacteria. 
    Effort is done is only one way to be diligent flowering orchid


    Floriculture done to meet the needs of the park will work, as has been generally known that the park into something that is important to the management of an area as it relates to the spatial

    Ornamental plants will affect the beauty, the arrangement of plants requires art and creation, where it will be combined to produce an impact on the beauty and harmony of comfort and beauty, but also vice versa,

    Urban spatial scope of an area, whether it is the seat of government, the provincial capital, capital of the district, and even districts, villages and housing estates all be characterized by a well planned arrangement, as distinguishing the identity of urban land or the other one is settlement area with plants


    Floriculture can be categorized into 3 parts
    1. Cultivation of ornamental plants for ground cover is a kind of grass herbaceous
    2. Floriculture for shrubs that are typically used for border,
    3. Cultivation of crops for protection or shade

    Grass herbaceous
    Grass for garden has many know, is a grass species such as Zoysia jepunica,Zoysia matrela linmer, Oxonopus compressus,

    Plant shrubs

    Ornamental plant height 25cm to 50 cm range that serves to border, fence, etc., the type of plants, there are colorful flowering, there were no flowering plants examples of types of shrubs such as Acalypha siamensis, widelia, ixora, croton etc.

    Crop protection
    Crops are cultivated for protection by way of sowing seeds, can be cultivated on a scale much, but older age, can be up to several years, many cities with blazing speed using power plants to beautify spatial, this plant is an example of a whip pole banyan, bisbul, Filicium glastium etc.

    along with the development of the property market in an area, then there will have an impact on demand for commodity-dependent ornamental plant growers and breeders of ornamental plant growers

    Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

    heart healthy with bamboo leaves

    Benefits of bamboo leaves first revealed in the book of Ming Yi Bie Lu (Note Leading Physician), namely to shed phlegm and relieve coughing and difficulty breathing. Other efficacy of which is to neutralize toxins in the body.

    There are still many people who do not know, bamboo leaves including potential herb. High content of flavonoids. In China, the leaf extract is used to protect the heart.
    Great Dictionary of Chinese Herbs also make it clear that the function of bamboo leaves give off heat, return the potent liquids, and is a diuretic (diuretic). In 1998, bamboo leaves categorized by the Agency for Healthcare China in the list of natural herbs for medicine and food.

    Cool and Fragrant

    The species was named Latin Phyllostachys nigra is grown in the Yangtze River region, precisely in southern China. Ancient Chinese medical experts to describe the function of medicine and food, bamboo leaf in the book of Yao Pin Hua Yi or books sense digging herbs, which is cool, fragrant, can get into the heart meridian, it was bitter and cool, chi is also cool.

    Research shows, bamboo leaves contain many active substances, namely flavonoids, polysaccharides, chlorophyll, amino acids, vitamins, mikroelemen, and so forth, so it's good to lower blood fats and cholesterol. Could also reduce the antioxidant or free radical, as antiaging ingredients, and is able to maintain stamina and prevent cardiovascular disease.

    Similar Hemoglobin

    Picture http://iptek.pelitaonline.com
    Health experts believe Japan's bamboo leaf flavonoid composition similar to the composition of hemoglobin. Because of this, bamboo leaves can be directly injected into a vein and can improve efficiency.

    Bamboo leaf flavonoid is also safe, non-toxic. Interestingly, a bamboo leaf flavonoid domestic resources first flavonoid found in China and has been officially patented.

    Board of Health in the province of Zhe Jiang-China, through toksiologi test, oral test bamboo leaf extract on rats with LD50 dose, greater than 10g/kg body weight of rats. The results are non-toxic bamboo leaves.

    Is bamboo leaf flavonoid able to nourish the heart? A special study was conducted to reveal the benefits of bamboo leaf flavonoids on blood vessels and coronary artery blood flow.
    Variations of research with high-dose, medium, and low, bamboo leaf flavonoid shown to increase blood flow of coronary heart cobaya Cavia (type mice) were separated from his body. Calculation of the group and each member of the group has a significant difference, increases with the size of the dose.

    High dose, medium, and low bamboo leaf flavonoids can add to the contraction of the heart muscle and the calculation of the group also has clear differences. The effect of a small dose group (2.5 mg / ml) explain the positive results for the normal physiological function of the coronary arteries and potentially prevent heart problems.

    Since 1998, expert in China has conducted research on the function of bamboo leaf flavonoids to inhibit the oxidation of fat. For example, a glass of chocolate drink mix with 1 percent bamboo leaf extract significantly increased free radical activity while protecting vitamins A and E.

    In domestic markets products bamboo leaf extract relatively not much. Usually in the form of tablets or similar snacks that can be consumed, like snacks. Since in extract form, is certainly necessary caution in taking them. The best way to reduce the risk, consider the legality of products such as the presence or absence of certification of the POM.

    Bamboo Benefits of the Age to Age

    Various herbal books, books of classical medicine, and farmakop Chinese bamboo noted efficacy in curing the disease. Among them:

    • Bie Lu. Bamboo leaves are cold, non-toxic, to treat burning sensation in the chest and coughing.
    • Sheng Hui Fang. Porridge bamboo leaves can heal heart heat in small children or unconsciousness. Potions: bamboo leaves 60 g, rice taste, and 15 g of yin chen (wormwood / Artemisiae scopariae) made porridge.
    • The Book of Herbal Therapy. Bamboo leaves can cure cough, thirst, phlegm, sore throat, and relieve the heat.
    • Ben Cao Qiu Zhen. Bamboo leaves can refresh the heart, warms the spleen, eliminates ripple and thirst, evil wind, coughing, tightness, vomiting blood, mild stroke, and others.
    • Yao Pin Hua Yi. Book known as the Book of Definitions drug is noted, bamboo leaves refreshing, slightly bitter, capable of neutralizing all cold and hot chi.
    • Yue Jing (Book of Herbal Classic). Bamboo leaves, with a mild flavor, can neutralize the heat, especially in the heart of chi. Is good medicine, especially for treating thirst for hot days, clearing sputum / ripple in the chest, relieves cold and weakness, cough, and asthma. Only bamboo leaves can enter the gall bladder and bring chi neutral into the lungs to remove the heat.
    • Ben Jing Feng Yuan. In the Book of Shennong's Herbal Classic writing bamboo leaf curing whiplash, wound, and kill parasites.
    • Great Dictionary of Chinese Medicine. Bamboo leaves and heat relieve anxiety, and launched a pee.
    information benefits of bamboo leaves to cure heart disease is just one of the many benefits of bamboo leaves and so many ways to use the plant for the health of our bodies

    Budidaya tanaman hias

    budidaya tanaman hias araliaBudidaya tanaman hias dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan pekerjaan taman, sebagaimana telah diketahui secara umum bahwa taman menjadi sesuatu yang penting terhadap pengelolaan suatu area karena hal ini berkaitan dengan penataan ruang lingkungan

    Tanaman hias akan mempengaruhi keindahan, penataan tanaman hias memerlukan seni dan kreasi, apabila dipadukan maka akan dapat menghasilkan keindahan yang berdampak kepada kenyamanan dan keserasian serta keasrian, namun juga sebaliknya,

    Tata ruang linkup perkotaan suatu daerah, apakah itu pusat pemerintahan, tingkat ibokota provinsi, ibu kota kabupaten, bahkan kecamatan, desa maupun komplek perumahan semua akan bercirikan penataan yang baik dan terencana, sebagai pembeda akan identitas perkotaan dengan lahan atau yang lainnya salah satunya adalah penataan area dengan tanaman hais

    Budidaya tanaman hias

    Budidaya tanaman hias dapat dikatagorikan menjadi 3 bagian

    1. Budidaya tanaman hias untuk penutup tanah yaitu sejenis rumput rumputan
    2. Budidaya tanaman hias untuk semak yang biasanya digunakan untuk border, 
    3. Budidaya tanaman keras untuk pelindung atau peneduh

    • Rumput rumputan
    Rumput untuk taman sudah banyak yang mengenal, jenisnya antara lain adalah rumput jepang, rumput peking, rumput gajah babat/paitan, rumput gajah mini,  embun, rumput kucai

    • Tanaman semak

    Tanaman hias yang tingginya kisaran 25cm sampai 50 cm yang berfungsi untuk border, pagar, dll, jenis jenis tanaman ini ada yang berbunga berwarna warni, ada yang tidak berbunga, contoh tanaman hias jenis semak antara lain teh-tehan, widelia, soka, puring,
    • Tanaman pelindung
    Tanaman keras untuk pelindung adalah yang dibudidayakan dengan cara menyemai dari biji, dapat dibudidayakan dengan skala banyak, tetapi umurnya lebih lama, bisa sampai tahunan, banyak kota kota dengan daya terik tinggi menggunakan tanaman ini untuk memperindah tata ruangnya, contoh tanaman ini adalah Glodogan tiang pecut, angsana,beringin, bisbul, kiara payung, asem belanda, jati mas dll

    seiring dengan perkembangan pasar properti di suatu daerah, maka disitu akan berdampak kepada kebutuhan akan komoditi tanaman hias yang bergantung kepada petani pemulia dan pembudidaya tanaman hias.

    Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

    Daftar harga sewa tanaman hias oktober 2012

    Daftar harga sewa tanaman hias Oktober 2012 adalah price list yang memberikan informasi atau gambaran mengenai harga sewa tanaman pot pada bulan oktober 2012, ada kemungkinan terjadi perubahan harga seiring berjalannya waktu, akan diberikan informasi daftar harga sewa tanaman hias pada setiap bulan.

    Berikut adalah daftar harga sewa tanaman hias bulan oktober 2012

    1. Standard table plant Rp. 20.000,-
    2. Standard table plant berbunga Rp. 25.000,-
    3. Exclucive table plant/ Anggrek Rp. 75.000
    4. Mini table plant Rp. 15.000,-

    • Midle/ Medium indoor plant; Rp. 40.000,-

    1. Tinggi tanaman 90 cm sampai 140 cm
    2. Diameter tajuk kisaran 75cm
    3. Pot dalam ukuran 18 liter
    4. Tinggi pot dalam 25 cm    
    5. Diameter pot dalam 30 cm       

    • Standar Indoor Plant, Rp. 55.000,-

    1. Tinggi tanaman 150 cm sampai 200 cm
    2. Diameter tajuk kisaran 85 cm
    3. Pot dalam ukuran 22 liter
    4. Tinggi pot dalam 30 cm
    5. Diameter pot dalam 32,5 cm

    • Hight indoor plant Rp. 75.000,-

    1. Tinggi tanaman 150 cm sampai 225 cm
    2. Diameter tajuk kisaran 85 cm
    3. Pot dalam ukuran 26 liter
    4. Tinggi pot dalam 32,5 cm
    5. Diameter pot dalam 37 cm

    • Jumbo Indoor plant Rp. 125.000,-

    1. Tinggi tanaman 2 m sampai 2,5 m
    2. Diameter tajuk kisaran 90 cm
    3. Pot dalam ukuran 40 liter
    4. Tinggi pot dalam 34 cm
    5. Diameter Pot dalam 42 cm
    • Exclusive Indoor Plant  Rp. 75.000,- sampai 200.000,-

       Tanaman tersedia untuk ukuran kecil,midle,standar,hight,dan jumb

      Daftar harga sewa tanaman hias tersebut diatas mengacu kepada gambaran umum, sedangkan spesifikasi harga yang khusus biasanya mengacu kepada syarat dan ketentuan, dan yang mempengaruhi syarat dan ketentuan tersebut didasarkan kepada
      1. Jumlah tanaman yang akan disewa
      2. Lokasi tanaman akan dipasang
      3. waktu penyewaan rutin atau temporary seperti even
      Tata cara penyewaan tanaman hias juga berpengaruh terhadap daftar harga sewa tanaman hias 

      Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

      High productivity sesame New Variety


      High productivity sesame  (Sesamum indicum L.)New Variety is a shrub which belongs to a season Pedaliaceae. The plant is cultivated as a source of vegetable oil, known as sesame oil obtained from seeds extraction. Sesame earned the nickname "The Queen of Oil Seeds Crops" reflecting the sesame seeds have a high nutrient content and a positive impact for consumers. Vegetable oil is widely used for a variety of industries, such as food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and others. While bungkilnya can be used as animal feed mixes. Sesame oil is excellent for everyday consumption because it is one that many vegetable oils containing unsaturated fatty acids high as 84%. Unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid and linoleic acid are required to be able to course of normal growth and function of all tissues.

      Sesame economic value is high, prices in June 2008 reached Rp 22.000/kg. According to FAO in 2010 sesame crops cultivated in almost all the world, there are three major producing countries, namely Myanmar sesame with output 722,900 tons, 623,000 tons India, and China 587,947 tons per year. While in Indonesia, the national production of sesame in 2005 only amounted to 1853 tons (0.06% of world production).

      Sesame crop, which is one of 127 commodities built Directorate General of Plantation has several advantages such as drought resistant, although the quality remains good seed planted in the soil thin and can be cultivated extensively, has a relatively high economic value and can be intercropped with other crops. In Indonesia, sesame cultivated in dryland development centers in the rainy season, especially in East Java, Central Java, NTB, NTT, South Sulawesi, Gorontalo, and Lampung. Productivity at the farm level is still very low at ± 465 kg / ha. One effort to increase national production of sesame is through the use of improved varieties and the application of appropriate cultivation techniques.

      Sesame crop is now emerging in the paddy field after rice. But the availability of varieties of sesame to land is limited. The need for such varieties should also be accompanied by an increase in the productivity of crop varieties that assembly through a series of studies have been conducted by the Center for Plant Research Center for Oil and Fiber Sweeteners since 1999. A series of studies resulted in three promising lines / facilities that have suitability to support the development of sesame in the paddy field after rice.

      High productivity sesame New varieties winas-1 has the potential to produce maksimal 2222 kg / ha with harvest 101 days and the oil content of 50.88%, stable varieties developed in all areas of development. Winas-2 has the potential to produce maksimal 1933 kg / ha with harvest 102 days and the oil content of 49.83%, stable varieties developed in all areas of development. Winas-3 has the potential to produce maksinal 1874 kg / ha with harvest 98 days and oil content of 48.82%, specific varieties developed in the area that have similar agro-ecosystem development

      Refrensi: http://ditjenbun.deptan.go.id

      stevia plants producing non-caloric natural sugar

      stevia producer of natural sugar non calori
      Picture: ditjenbun.deptan
      Stevia plants producing non-caloric natural sugar, Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is a plant of the family Asteraceae (Compositae) from Paraguay. The plant is shaped shrub with a height 60-90 cm, branched, leafy thick and elongated oval-shaped, small, slender, hairy stem, has delicate root systems that are close to the soil surface and the roots thick, tight and harsh growing penetrate into the soil.

      Plant are Producing of Zero calorie natural sweetener 

      • Some studies claim that stevia sugar sweetness 300 times higher than the sugar cane
      •  Is not carcinogenic and low in calories, making it suitable for people with diabetes mellitus and obesity.
      • Excellence stevia sugar sweetness is derived from its constituent chemical composition and content of the largest constituent is steviosida and rebaudiosida-A.
      • Stevia certified GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe - "no objection") of POM United States (Food and Drug Administration - FDA) in December 2008 for use as a zero calorie natural sweetener for food and beverage products.

       Propagation of stevia plants

      breading of stevia plant
      Picture: ditjenbun.deptan 
      With this it will further expand its export market for stevia producer countries, such as countries in South America, Japan, China and South Korea and other countries in Asia.

      Stevia seed multiplication can be done by seed, cuttings shoots / stem, or by tissue culture. Needle-shaped stevia seeds and dirty white. Propagation using seeds is rarely done because the success rate is very low and the crop is not uniform. Stevia ever grown in Indonesia comes from Japan, Korea and China. The plant material is derived from the stevia plant seeds so that growth in the field is very diverse.

      Propagation of stevia
       Picture: ditjenbun.deptan
      Propagation by cuttings stevia cuttings can be either shoots or stem cuttings. Of particular interest to breeders cuttings material is selected young plants and woody. Stem cuttings taken from the center of the primary branches while shoot cuttings taken from the tip of the plant. To increase the number of lateral shoots and number of leaves better use stem cuttings. Techniques propagation by stem cuttings is done by installing airtight plastic lid, so that the temperature inside the containment and humidity close to 100%. With the high temperatures and humidity can stimulate root growth. After the age of 3-4 weeks, the cuttings can ditransplanting to the field (Sudiatso, 1999).

      Propagation of stevia using tissue culture techniques have not been a lot of literature or published results, but in general propagation techniques acquired plants that are uniform and the number of plants that a lot in a relatively short time and free of pests and plant diseases.

      The development of stevia in Indonseia still very limited. With a great potential as a natural sweetener, stevia plants producing non-caloric natural sugar as a commodity worthy in the development of agribusiness and agro-industries.

      Refrensi: http://ditjenbun.deptan.go.id

      Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

      Pitaya fruit or dragon fruit plant

      In addition to sweet, this fruit has a high economic value, there is a red flesh there is also white. The fruit is a fruit pitaya, is the fruit of several types of cacti of the genus Hylocereus and Selenicereus. The fruit is native to Mexico, Central America and South America, but is now also cultivated in Asian countries such as Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia. The fruit can also be found in Okinawa, Israel, northern Australia and southern China. Hylocereus only bloom at night.
      In 1870 the French were brought from Guyana to Vietnam as an ornamental plant. By the Vietnamese and Chinese men is considered a blessing. Therefore, the fruit is always placed between two small green dragon statues on the altar table. The red color of the fruit looks striking color green dragons. This is the fruit of a habit among the Vietnamese people are greatly affected Chinese culture known as thang loy (dragon fruit). The term Thang loy then translated in Europe and other countries who speak English as dragon fruit.

      Dragon Fruit plant Varieties

      For now have 4 dragon fruit varieties cultivated are:
      • Hylocereus undatus, a red fruit with white flesh.
      • Hpolyrhizus, the pink fruit with red flesh.
      • Selenicereus megalanthus fruit with yellow skin and white flesh.
      • Hylocereus costaricensis, dragon fruit with a very red color of the fruit.

      The benefits of dragon fruit

      Besides the sweet refreshing, dragon fruit is rich in benefits. Many people believe this fruit can lower cholesterol and balance blood sugar. No studies on the benefits of this fruit, but because it came from the type of dragon fruit cactus fruit believed to contain vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium, and carbohydrates. Dragon fruit contains high fiber which binds carcinogens cause cancer and accelerate the process of digestion.
      dragon fruit plant

      Dragon fruit cultivation in Indonesia

      In general, dragon fruit cultivated by cuttings or seed seeding. Plants will thrive if planted porous media (not muddy), nutrient-rich, sandy, enough sunshine and temperatures between 38-40 ° C. If treatment is good enough, the plants will begin to bear fruit at the age of 11-17 months. Malang City is 400-700 above sea level, is very suitable for the cultivation of red dragon fruit. Despite having a fairly cool air, but it gets enough sunlight is a requirement of red dragon fruit growth.
      Pitaya fruit or dragon fruit plant can be grown with soil conditions and elevation of any location, but it's quite the voracious plant nutrients, so if the soil contains a good fertilizer, the growth will be good. Within 1 year, dragon fruit tree can reach a height of 3 feet. According to some sources, dragon fruit has not been widely cultivated in Indonesia. In the meantime, the area Mojokerto, Jember, Malang, Pasuruan, Banyuwangi, Ponorogo, and Batam is an area that has been cultivating this plant.

      Ref : Wikipedia, http://agriculturproduct.blogspot.com

      Stage of Patma Rafflesia Flowers Blooming

      Stage of rafflesia patma flowers blooming is a rare moment, because of a rare flower called Rafflesia patma is very rare flowering, blooming rafflesia this stage

      knob stabe of patma fafflesia flower blooming
      Picture http://eshaflora.wordpress.com
      Stage of Rafflesia patma Flowers Blooming knob grows on the trunk of the landlord Tetrastigma sp (a type of plant lianas / vines)
      knob started to appear from the crown of flowers
      Picture http://eshaflora.wordpress.com 
      Stage of Rafflesia patma Flowers Blooming this figure is encased by a sheath knob started to appear from the crown of flowers of a lighter color.
      lower crown creeping into three strands
      Picture http://eshaflora.wordpress.com 
       Stage of Rafflesia patma Flowers Blooming flower crown creeping into three strands, visible crown of flowers with a plain color with a rough surface of the crown
      crown looks creeping into all and saw the form of a sphere pistil
       Picture http://eshaflora.wordpress.com
      Stage of Rafflesia patma Flowers Blooming crown looks creeping into all and saw the form of a sphere pistil (like basin)

      Rafflesia patma broke perfectly, looks stigma in these spheres that emit a foul smell, like the smell of dead  


      Rare Flower Called Rafflesia Patma

      rare flower called raflesia patma
      Picture by http://alamendah.wordpress.com

      Rare flower called Rafflesia patma are still closely related (one genus) with arnoldi Rafflesia is blooming for the first time in 81 years at the Bogor Botanical Gardens. This rare flower growing outside its natural habitat
      Patma Rafflesia flower that blooms at the Bogor Botanical Gardens is the result of research and development by taking the form of host plants Tetrastigma (type of grape) taken from the Pangandaran, West Java.

      Growing and flowering Rafflesia patma this is the first time in the world Rafflesia flower growing outside their natural habitat. Although in 1929 the Bogor Botanical Gardens are believed to have been able to breed three species of Rafflesia, but not documented so as not to admit of scientific circles.
      Rafflesia blooms patma also be a marker of Indonesia has been able to cultivate outside its natural habitat. This flower grows with a diameter of 30 cm, has five younger orange petals somewhat faded from its original color. Rafflesia is a target growth of domestic and foreign researchers because of the nature of his mysterious and rare. Another distinctive feature is the presence of spines found on diktus.

      Knowladeg rare flower called patma Rafflesia.

      Patma Rafflesia is one of the 15 types (species) Rafflesia found in Indonesia. Patma Rafflesia flower in size between 25-30 cm in diameter. The flowers have five petals young little pale orange (salmon). What distinguishes the types of Rafflesia other flower colors that tend to be pale. Another distinctive feature is the presence of spines found on diktus.
      Patma Rafflesia was first discovered in 1825 on the island of Nusakambangan, Central Java like other Rafflesia species can not grow their own. Rafflesia patmatumbuh on the roots and stems of host Tetrastigma lanceolarium and Tetrastigma papillosum.

      Suitable habitat for patma Rafflesia is the area between the type of ocean beach with type lowland tropical rain forest (ekoton). Some places are a habitat for this interest include Nusakambangan island (Central Java) and Nature Reserves Leuweung Sancang (West Java).

      Picture by http://eshaflora.wordpress.com/ 

      Scientific Classification.

      Kingdom: Plantae;
      Division: Magnoliophyta;
      Class: Magnoliopsida;
      Order: Malpighiales;
      Family: Rafflesiaceae;
      Genus: Rafflesia;
      Species: Rafflesia patma
      Binomial name Rafflesia patma (Blume, 1825).
      Indonesia Name: Rafflesia Patma.

      Kinds of Type Rafflesia in Indonesia.

      There are about 30 species of Rafflesia's. And Indonesia has the highest number of species of some 15 species, followed by Malaysia, which has 7 species. 15 Rafflesia species found in Indonesia, among others:
      • Rafflesia arnoldi (R. Brown)
      • Rafflesia hasseltii (Suringar)
      • Rafflesia Patma (Blumenon Meijer)
      • Rafflesia rochussenii (Teijsm and Binn)
      • Rafflesia zollingertana (Koorders)
      • Rafflesia priceii
      • Rafflesia godulensis
      • Rafflesia atjehensis (Koorders)
      • Rafflesia ciliate
      • Rafflesia borneersis
      • Rafflesia witkampi
      • Rafflesia micropylora (Meijer)
      • Rafflesia bengkuluwensis
      • Rafflessia meijeri (Wiriadinata and Rismita Sari)
      • Rafflesia Lawangensis
      By Rare flower named Rafflesia patma Indonesia is an attractive natural to enjoyed


      Planting fruit trees

      fruid trees
      Planting fruit trees useful as green plants, can also serve as a production plant, because it can produce fruit that can be consumed, planting fruit trees to be an interesting, and certainly never been and wanted to be done by every human being, even planting fruit trees can also be a a symbolic ceremony,

      If we actually look at all the plants have fruit, but the fruit crops are usually consumed or bad for us to eat plants that need sorting are usually distinguishable from the name of the fruit itself

      Land Preparation

      • Make-sized holes as deep as 60 cm, width 60 cm, length  60 cm
      • Give manure or organic fertilizer,
      • hole let stand for at least 1 week
      • Buy fruit seeds that we want, and make sure the fresh crop conditions
      • Plants characterized by the absence of fresh roots is lost
      • Fresh plant leaf marked with a no limp
      • size of the plants that we put the range while in tow 12 cm to 2 meters

      Planting fruit trees

      In fruit crops need to consider some of the following
      • Put the plant into the hole that had been prepared
      • Open polybag or opening by wrapping torn media with a knife,
      • Hoard with red soil up to 3/4 part of the hole
      • Provide support to the fruit seeds we planted with bamboo least 3 buffer
      • Tie a string buffer bamboo fibers
      • In this tie please note plants do not get scratched or chipped plant stems

      Price of fruit plants

      Fruit crop prices vary, there are certain types of fruit crops that are expensive, there are fruit crops whose prices were adan there are also fruit plants are cheap, but the price depends on the actual fruit or the item itself the fruit seeds, plants lush and fruitful , but the position of the plant was still in the pot, that such price will be high priced

      Are you an existing orchard fruit trees, and if you are interested in planting fruit trees?

      Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

      Jumbo Sized Indoor Plant

      indoor plant size jumbo
      Jumbo-sized indoor plants that have a greater form of ornamental plants in a standard room, if the room is decorated with plants generally are standard height of 1.5 meter range

      Application placement jumbo-sized indoor plants 

      The gate of the building, the lobby or public space is large in size that fits in the placement of this plant, it would seem indanya synergies shapes and sizes

      Types of ornamental plants jumbo sized room can vary between different song of india, song of, hangjuang, banyan, Pleomele angustifolia nebrown etc.


      Pots for indoor plants is beruran large plastic pots, and for the outer pot is made of pottery or other material such as stainlist that is perfect when paired with a jumbo-sized plants

      For the size of the plant is high 2 to 3 feet with a canopy diameter in the range of 75 cm up to 110 cm, and the condition is usually fresh or leafy plants, this is caused by the large pot that will better ensure the intake of nutrients for growing of indoor plants jumbo-sized

      Planter Box Plants For Indoor Decoration

      planter box

      Planter box plants for indoor decoration purpose and generally have two functions:
      • As decoration for an empty space in a room
      • As a room divider bulkhead
      Potted plants were placed in the planter box for interior decoration is usually the same plant or one type, good uniformity of plant type, size and model of the plant will bring a wonderful atmosphere

      Materials for planter box

      Materials for indoor plants planter box varies, one with wood, in addition to manufacturing materials such as wood, mortar and sand, fiberglass, brass, aluminum, iron, copper, stainless, bamboo etc.
      The material is formed as required above, and each such materials for each character, but all must be completed by smoothing the outer surface would be the face of the planter box

      The size and shape planter box

      The size and shape planter box is not actually a standard style, actually follow the purposes of, but related to art layout, shape planter box can be designed with reference to the layout. for measures that need to be considered is the weight and the severity of the planter box, because usually planter box plants for indoor decoration is portable

      Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

      fertilizing potted plants for indoor decoration

      fertilizing potted plant
      In a potted environment, media soil nutrients can eventually deplete. Adding fertilizer can artificially provide these nutrients. However, adding unnecessary fertilizer can be harmful to the plant. Because of this, careful consideration must be taken before fertilizing. If a plant has been in the same potting mix for a year or more and is no longer thriving, then it may be a candidate for nutrient replacement done by using a complete fertilizer at half the recommended label dilution rate.

      Fertilizers potted plants for indoor decoration  are usually marked with a number such as 20–20–20. These numbers indicate the percentages of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium respectively, the three elements that are needed in the most quantity for plant growth. Nitrogen is essential for green, leafy growth. Phosphorus is essential for flowering or fruiting plants. Potassium is essential for strong roots and increased nutrient uptake. Numbers higher than 15 are usually man-made, chemical fertilizers. Organic fertilizers have a much lower ratio. A 4–2–2 ratio of these elements is usually good for green foliage plants, while a 2–6–4 ratio is usually better for flowering plants. A complete fertilizer will also include the minor and trace elements, such as calcium, magnesium and iron.
      While variation may occur between brands, a general rule is to mix 1 tablespoon to every gallon of water. In all cases, it is better to under-fertilize than over-fertilize. The diluted mixture is then used to water the plants. The growth of the plants should be monitored to determine if the fertilizer is helping or harming, and how often (if at all) it should be used. Schedules can range from every other week to every three months. For convenience, granular, time-released fertilizers are also available.
      So we can fertilizing potted plants for indoor decoration now

      Typical Process Lombok Pottery Pot

      pottery pot
      Typical Process Lombok Pottery pot
      In Lombok island is popular with distinctive crafts of pottery, weaving, wood carvings and stone, gold and pearls. Many villages that produce handicrafts to such hereditary Banyumulek village famous for its pottery village, the village is famous for its traditional Sukarare tenunnya and Labuapi village is famous for its carved-carved.

      History of Pottery

      Pottery which is better known as "pottery" to be one and the same time shape the work of our ancestors traditions passed down through generations. First pottery used to store rice, salt and spices as well as used for the purpose of cooking and growing form that is produced as the development of lifestyle needs of the modern society

      Production Process of typical lombok pottery

      1. Clay Search Process

      Need a thorough inspection to get the best clay in accordance with quality standards. Clay nice not having to come from pottery producing village but comes from a nearby village. Clay is not necessarily used immediately but took a deep accuracy and ensures that the clay is not mixed with small stones and dirt.

      2. Drying Process

      pottery drying
      After the inspection, the clay like a cube cut and dried in the sun, it took about 3 or 4 days. When pieces of the cubes is dry, then pounded like a soft dough and stored before it is used as a dough. The most interesting to watch no modern tools that support the manufacture of pottery, but lapisa-layer clay being added from the original amount of dough while the artisan pottery rotate objects / tools that are used to form the desired object, though shaped like a ready-made but actually not finished, and there is also a specially commissioned artisans to decorate after that things / pots are meant allowed to dry in a place that is not too much sun.

      3. The process varnish with coconut oil

      Objects / pots that have been varnished is a combination of coconut oil and allowed to dry before the Kerik / rubbed with black stones or other tools tradisisonal because it looked shiny surface and again dried diterik sun and it took a day and even rubbed smooth in the mid-afternoon day to add shine.

      4. Combustion Process

      Objects / pots ready to be burned and collected into an open oven covered with rice straw is burned for more than 4 hours and production temperature of about 400 to 800 degrees Celsius

      5. Coloring Process

      Final work is to choose the right color, if desired crimson juice of tamarind seeds coated with red larva and when desired, simply flick the chaff.

      Since conducted intensive training, by itself the pottery pengarjin more creative in making patterns, shapes and motifs that you want, so they are ready to compete to deliver the best work of superb quality in the world business market

      There are 3 famous pottery producing village in Lombok, just call Banyumulek in West Lombok, Central Lombok Penujak and Penakak in East Lombok, each one has a unique and distinctive characteristics.
      Typical Process Lombok Pottery Pot

      Bamboo arandinaria japonica as a hedgerow

      bamboo arandinaria japonica
      bamboo plant can be used as a garden that serves as the fence is part of the urban lifestyle, there are some
      bamboo Arandinaria japonica
      Bamboo plant this one is kind of a unique bamboo plants, can grow perpendicular to the height of 10 meters to the tip of the leaf, of the characteristics of bamboo plants arandinaria japonica is
        1. 5cm diameter rod between -6 cm
        2. The distance between the segment range of 20 cm - 30 cm
        3. Thick meat between 1cm-2cm
        Japonica arandinaria bamboo fencing can be used as a very powerful, serves as a dust barrier of air pollution that are reliable, can also reduce vehicle noise,
        The perimeter road to the park is usually made of plant material fence, bambo arandinaria japonica can be used as a hedge plant
        1. Prepare bamboo seedlings arandinaria japonica, the plants that did not survive too old / young
        2. Cut stems of bamboo seedlings along 3m
        3. Three sticks of bamboo seedlings arandinaria japonica bound together 
        4. Prepare a friable soil as deep as 30 cm
        5. Bamboo arandinaria japonica planted in an upright position
        6. Plant bamboo seedlings spaced 15-20cm clumps
        7. Flops with split bamboo and tied with rope at a height of 1 m from the ground
        Reproduce bamboo arandinaria japonica
          1. tillers or shoots
          2. Cuttings
            Japonica arandinaria bamboo can thrive even in a hot place well planted in lowland or upland, nice plants used as a hedge plant

            Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

            Rumput Golf sebagai material lapangan sepak bola dan taman

            Rumput golf sebagai material lapangan sepak bola dan taman

            Nursery golf standar
            Di tanah
            • Disiapkan untuk kebutuhan landscape/ penghijauan

            • Dijual dalam bentuk lempengan/ dipacul

            • Ditanam dalam bentuk lempengan

            • Bentuk; Daun,batang,akar dan media tanah merah

            • Harga Rp. 25.000,-/m
            Nursery golf standar
            Di pasir
            • Disiapkan untuk kebutuhan putting green standar

            • Dijual dalambentuk bibit

            • Ditanam dengan cara disebar layaknya biji

            • Bentuk; Daun, batang

            • Harga Rp.65.000,-/m
            Nursery golf standar
            Di pasir
            • Disiapkan untuk kebutuhan putting green standar

            • Dijual dalambentuk lempengan atau bahkan gulungan

            • Ditanam dengan cara ditempelkan

            • Bentuk; Daun, batang,media pasir,akar

            • Harga Rp.400.000,-/m
            Nursery golf standar
            • Disiapkan untuk kebutuhan putting green standar

            • Ditanam dengan disebar

            • Bentuk; bulat ada, batang,media pasir,akar

            • Harga Rp.60.000,-/m
            Rumput golf sebagai material lapangan sepak bola standar dan taman
